Fat Kid Photography: Blog https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog en-us (C) Fat Kid Photography [email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:04:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:04:00 GMT https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/img/s/v-12/u653730262-o718860028-50.jpg Fat Kid Photography: Blog https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog 120 80 Dance Queen https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2016/6/dance-queen     Had the opportunity to photograph some dancers this past weekend. Was a huge mess as ten pounds of powder was tracked from the studio through the house, But was well worth the efforts.


most of these images were made using four canon ex600rt speed lights against a black background




[email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) Action Photography lessons NHRA photography camera dance kamloops kamloops photography photography lessons tourism https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2016/6/dance-queen Fri, 17 Jun 2016 04:29:19 GMT
Peace https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2015/12/peace I wanted to see how much of an image I could create totally within Photoshop and with out the use of a camera . This is what I came up with. Created with a few brush sets, and some clip art so to speak, and some creative lighting editing.


[email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2015/12/peace Mon, 28 Dec 2015 04:35:10 GMT
Family Photographs Kamloops https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2015/5/family-photographs-kamloops   Had a great time making images for the Heffermen family on the weekend, and wanted to share a few from the gallery. I made these images with the use of four EX 600/RT speed lights on triggers and a moving boom stand, Thanks to my helper. During this session was using the sunlight as fill or back light, with the speed lights shot through an umbrella as key and the camera set to manual.


Riverside Park Kamloops,



                                     Please e-mail us for rates or to book your session

                                             [email protected]


[email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) Action Photography lessons Family Photos Kamloops.kamloops NHRA photography camera photography lessons photography" tourism https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2015/5/family-photographs-kamloops Wed, 20 May 2015 02:03:42 GMT
Action Motor Sports Workshop https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2015/2/action-motor-sports-workshop2 Zimmer Wheaton Points Race 14Zimmer Wheaton Points Race 14Zimmer Wheaton Points Race 14, 22/9/2012


Fat Kid Photography is your source for high end sports and event images. We cover events with skilled professional photographers, Producing high end high definition prints delivered in most cases by the end of the event. We strive for the highest quality of images, If you are looking for a specific image we can get it done



Capturing the excitement and drama of speed in a still image is one of the greatest challenges facing any photographer, When the subject accelerates to over 100 mph in split seconds the challenges become even greater, Fat Kid Photography workshops will tune the skills and techniques used to create stunning images in the most harsh of conditions.


Working professional photographers will give instruction in a track side classroom session as well as a track safety and protocol rules. students will then be left to roam the pits before meeting back up with instructors and taken trackside. each student will receive a full media pass and enjoy individual instruction during the on track session.  Classroom session will cover topics as: composition, locations, light, compensation, interaction with track personal,  other photographers, and weather issues. Each day will end with a review and critique of each students top images. which will also be published on this page.


These workshops are open to  advanced beginner photographers that have a good basic understanding of their camera. They must have their own DSLR camera with interchangeable lenses. Classes are limited two per session. One student to one instructor. Hearing protection and clothing for temperatures of  38 C is a must.


  $475.00 per person.  Transportation from Kamloops to track and back, and lunch will be supplied. Don't wait, only a few spots left sign up today


For information on, available dates, and to secure your spot please contact us at:  [email protected]



",", ",", ", Nitro,", ", Zone , NHRA , IHRA , Blower , Fuel injected ,", ., Cars, Charged, Doorslamer, Dragsters, "Fat Kid Photography", Funny, "Langley Loafers Old Time Drags", Loafers, Methane, MissDoor WarzDoor Warz


" Eagle Motorplex", "drag Racing Ashcroft", " top fuel", Dragsters, "Funny cars", "Bracket racing Ashcroft" Ashcroft" , NL'AKAPXM ,Eagle Motorplex 07/05/2014Images From July 5,6 2014


A very productive workshop June 6th,  With  the subjects of aperature, shutter, ISO, using harsh light, and composition covered. Into the pits we went for more track safety and to meet the drivers before heading track side to apply the lessons.  Here are a few of Ryans images from the NHRA Nationals. Ryan has had little photographic experience. and has never been trackside of top fuel dragsters. These have been developed in DPP ( Canon Software ) only. No Photoshop






For more information about this workshop and others please contact us at [email protected]  
















[email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) Action Photography lessons Action motorsports photography workshops Alcohol Dragster BC Car" Creative Photography Techniques DSLR video Digital SLR cameras Drag Racing ESPN Fat Kid Fat Kids Funny Funny Car How to photograph action motor sports Kamloops action sports Kamloops, camera, photography, Lucas Oil Drag Racing NHRA NHRA photography NHRA tickets National Hot Rod Association Photography British Columbia Photography Courses Point and Shoot cameras Point and Shoot photography Pro Stock Pro Stock Motorcycle School of Imaging, photography School of imaging photography workshops are quick Seminar Study Photography Top Fuel Workshop alcohol alcoholdragster alcoholfunnycar architecture photography archives bc commercial photography bc photography bc tourism camera commercial photography custom framing digital restoration drag race tickets drag racing tickets experienced photographers fatkid funnycar historical photos informative programs covering a variety of imaging topics including kamloops kamloops commercial photography kamloops photographer kamloops photography lessons lens lighting" mello yello photographer photographing NHRA workshop photography photography classes photography classes, photo composition, portrait photography photography for realtors photography lessons photography services photography workshops photography" photography, photographers, camera gear, lenses, studio, Kamloops, camera accessories, gallery portrait photography printing and scanning and more. professional photographers prostock race tickets racing tickets rentals" repair" restoration. sales scanning software supergas tickets topfuel tourism travel photography wedding photography workshops https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2015/2/action-motor-sports-workshop2 Sat, 14 Feb 2015 23:57:41 GMT
Samurai Warrior Shoot https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2013/10/samurai-warrior-shoot    Got to return to one of my favorite locations Saturday and shoot some Samurai type images.  Took some time to set this up, as  both sides of this river and canyon had flash guns set with radio triggers placed at various locations.. The issue we ran into, was  simply the fact that communication with the subject was slim to none, due to all the river noise and the long distances involved.   In this first shot. I left the water cut short of the frame and a bright flash of color angled left to right in the background,  This makes your eye wonder down the stream and away from the Samurai, and him a bit invisible

     In this shot I left more of the water in the foreground, making the shot a bit more rounded out. On camera right is a beauty dish and flash gun set on a boom stand over and across that portion of the river. While my partner is holding another flash gun on a pole directed at the subject as fill light.  It is important to remember that the ambient light is the key light, with the flash guns set as fill light.         

  The flash guns in the canyon, highlighted the areas to receive treatments in Photoshop in post shoot editing.

It is most important to draw a plan as to how you want to set up lighting and what you will need to bring to make it all work. Along with camera gear, keep in mind your subject will need to be taken care of as well.

   Keep on shooting




















































































[email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) Samuria Samuria sword fat Kid fat kid samuria images of samuria kamloops kpac samuria photo shoot https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2013/10/samurai-warrior-shoot Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:23:08 GMT
Eagle Motorplex 2013 https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2013/9/eagle-motorplex-2013 Thanks for the awesome year, lets do it again

[email protected] (Fat Kid Photography) https://www.fatkidphotography.ca/blog/2013/9/eagle-motorplex-2013 Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:45:32 GMT