Samurai Warrior Shoot

October 28, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

   Got to return to one of my favorite locations Saturday and shoot some Samurai type images.  Took some time to set this up, as  both sides of this river and canyon had flash guns set with radio triggers placed at various locations.. The issue we ran into, was  simply the fact that communication with the subject was slim to none, due to all the river noise and the long distances involved.   In this first shot. I left the water cut short of the frame and a bright flash of color angled left to right in the background,  This makes your eye wonder down the stream and away from the Samurai, and him a bit invisible

     In this shot I left more of the water in the foreground, making the shot a bit more rounded out. On camera right is a beauty dish and flash gun set on a boom stand over and across that portion of the river. While my partner is holding another flash gun on a pole directed at the subject as fill light.  It is important to remember that the ambient light is the key light, with the flash guns set as fill light.         

  The flash guns in the canyon, highlighted the areas to receive treatments in Photoshop in post shoot editing.

It is most important to draw a plan as to how you want to set up lighting and what you will need to bring to make it all work. Along with camera gear, keep in mind your subject will need to be taken care of as well.

   Keep on shooting





















































































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